Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Agricultural activities including farming culture and raising livestock is the oldest human culture. But compared with the history of human existence, these farming activities including the new. Until then, people just hunt and gather food for consumption. In line with the increase of human civilization, pertanianpun evolved into various systems. Starting from the simplest systems to systems that are sophisticated and capital intensive. Various agricultural technologies developed to achieve the desired productivity
On the other hand, the science of developing pertanianpun. Agricultural science and then grows branches, specialized, such as agronomy, soil science, social economy, crop protection, etc.
Advancement of science and technology, increasing needs of human life, forcing the man to spur productivity drain the land, while the carrying capacity of the environment has a tolerance threshold. Thus, the increase in productivity will lead to environmental damage, that ultimately will harm humans as well. Departing from the awareness that then comes the demand for sustainable agricultural systems.

Agriculture is the utilization of biological resources by humans to produce food, industrial raw materials or energy sources, as well as to manage the environment. The utilization of biological resources is included in the common agricultural understood as cultivation of crops or farming (English: crop cultivation) as well as livestock rearing (raising), although its scope may also be the use of microorganisms and bioenzim in the processing of advanced products, such as cheese making and tempe, or just a mere extraction, such as fishing or forest exploitation.

Parts of the world's population livelihood in these areas in the scope of agriculture, but agriculture only accounted for 4% of world GDP. Indonesia's history since the colonial period to the present can not be separated from agriculture and plantations, as the sector - this sector has great significance in determining formation of a variety of economic and social realities in different regions of Indonesia. Based on BPS 2002, Indonesia's agricultural sector provides employment to approximately 44.3% of the population though only accounted for about 17.3% of total gross domestic product.
The group examines agricultural sciences with the support of agricultural sciences supporters. The core of the agricultural sciences are biology and economics.
Because agriculture is always bound by time and space, supporting sciences, such as soil science, meteorology, agricultural engineering, biochemistry, and statistics, also studied in agriculture. Farming (farming) is a core part of agriculture because it involves a set of activities carried out in cultivation. Is the designation for those farmers who held a farm, for example "tobacco farmers" or "fish farmer". Perpetrators of livestock farming (livestock) specifically referred to as a breeder.

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